Elm Weekly - Issue #99
Articles and Discussion
Code generation with Elm — rhg.dev
Ryan Haskell-Glatz describes elm-spa's approach to generating Elm code from a Node.js application.
Jim Carlson on the Elm parser and using the community around you — www.implementingelm.com
The latest episode of Will King's Implementing Elm podcast how Jim Carlson brought LaTex and Markdown together into a single editor on the web using the Elm parser.
Tools and Projects
Schelme is a scheme-inspired scripting language for Elm. You can check out the robot battle demo made with it and try out the basic language.
The author of Schelme has also released cellme, a package for making Schelme cells, which are small Schelme programs that can ask for each other's values. Check out the demo which combines elm-markdown, schelme, cellme and elm-ui.
An older but still extremely interesting talk about the design of elm-css and elm-test:
That's it for this week!
Huge thanks to the previous editor Brian Hicks! He was one half of the editor team for the last 15 months and put in a lot of work to bring you Elm Weekly, in addition to all his other contributions to the Elm community.
If you’d like to support my work on Elm Weekly by having your Elm vacancy appear in this newsletter, drop me a line at elmweekly@korban.net.
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.