Elm Weekly - Issue #97
Articles and Discussion
In this post on Elm Discourse, Rupert Smith provided an overview of different error handling approaches, plus there is interesting discussion in the responses.
Rupert Smith has also written a post about his authentication packages which doubles as a nice overview of the authentication process.
Another educational Discourse post in which James Carlson wrote up a performance optimization primer based on an example from his project, with more great optimization tips in the replies.
Tools and Projects
A couple of new tools for internationalization have been published in the last week:
layflags/elm-translations — github.com
Use this tool to generate type safe translations for your Elm app from a JSON definition.
yonigibbs/elm-i18next-gen — github.com
This tool by Yoni Gibbs generates code which uses the elm-i18next package to read text values from a source JSON translation object.
That's it for this week!
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