Elm Weekly - Issue #86
This week: Elm 0.19.1, getting unstuck with JSON decoders, and text adventures!
Articles and Discussion
Elm 0.19.1 came out yesterday! In addition to some nice speedups and bug fixes, this release improves error messages in some common-but-tricky situations beginners run into.
Getting Unstuck with Elm JSON Decoders — thoughtbot.com
Joël Quenneville shows a new way to get unstuck from JSON decoding woes: pretend you're using Maybe instead.
Tools and Projects
Kolja Lampe released version 0.7.0 of his Elm Language Server plugin for VSCode with fixes and improvements to elm.json schema editing. This coincides with the elm-language-server 1.4.2 release, if you're using the server outside VSCode.
wolfadex/elm-text-adventure 1.0.0
Wolfgang Schuster released a package for building text-based adventure games in Elm. This release includes an example game, Spooky House, just in time for Halloween!
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Curators' Corner
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