Elm Weekly - Issue #71
This week: faster Elmstatic, grapheme segmentation, and the Elm compiler reimplemented in Elm!
Articles and Discussion
Elmstatic: better performance and live reload with watch mode
Alex Korban has released a new version of Elmstatic with better performance and support for live reload.
Tools and Projects
BrianHicks/elm-string-graphemes 1.0.0
Brian Hicks has released a package to work with strings at the grapheme level (like 🦸🏽♂️) instead of the codepoint or byte level. Don't know what those words mean? The README explains it all!
elm-in-elm/compiler — github.com
Martin Janiczek has released his work-in-progress Elm in Elm compiler! This is intended to be a learning resource. Want to know how parsers work? Precedence? Type inference? This is the project to look at!
Would you like your Elm vacancy to appear in this newsletter? Drop us a line at hello@elmweekly.nl.
Curators' Corner
Something we missed? Have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition? Tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to hello@elmweekly.nl, or just hit reply.