Elm Weekly - Issue #66
This week: subscribing to global events, banishing booleans, documenting UIs and creating complex animations.
Articles and Discussion
Elm DOM node decoder to detect click outside
Margarita Krutikova shares an approach for detecting clicks outside a dropdown by subscribing to global events.
Solving the Boolean Identity Crisis: Part 2
Jeremy Fairbank continues demonstrating alternatives to boolean flags in Elm code.
Writing A Word Memory Game In Elm - Part 5: More Randomness And More Game
Mickey has produced another instalment of his extended series of posts about developing a simple game with Elm.
Tools and Projects
Theophile Kalumbu released a tool for browsing and documenting Elm views.
Permutive | London (on-site) | (Senior) Software Engineer
Permutive is building data visualisation driven products in Elm and is looking for someone to own one of the frontends. Their stack is Elm, Haskell, functional Scala, Docker/k8s, Google Cloud, Kafka. Contact Joe Pettersson on Elm Slack or email talent@permutive.com.
Curators' Corner
Something we missed? Have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition? Tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to hello@elmweekly.nl, or just hit reply.