Elm Weekly - Issue #65
This week: books, compiled output, parsing, and automatic dependency upgrades!
Articles and Discussion
Improving Elm's compiler output
Robin Heggelund Hansen details how Elm's compiled output could get even faster by restructuring code to take advantage of optimizations in browsers.
Elm Town 45 - It Started Off As A Morning Book — elmtown.simplecast.fm
Jeremy Fairbank, the author of Programming Elm, visits Elm Town to talk about his new book and how it teaches Elm, and about writing tech books in general.
Tools and Projects
Matthew Griffith released a new version of his elm-markup library. New in this version: better error messages, a command-line interface to type check your documents, and a sample rich text editor.
With Dependabot's recent acquisition by GitHub, automated dependency management for Elm projects is now free for all repos!
VeePee | Paris | Fullstack SWE
Veepee are currently building an Elm interface to schedule sales, an event-sourced sales referential implemented in Haskell, and wiring that to their legacy systems. They are looking for someone to help them tackle this task. Message Benoit Chiquet (@bec) on the Elm Slack for more details.
Curators' Corner
Something we missed? Have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition? Tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to hello@elmweekly.nl, or just hit reply.