Elm Weekly - Issue #63
This week: shared state, Elm with Phoenix, dealing with scale, and building HTTP requests!
Articles and Discussion
CurrySoftware shared their approach to shared state in Elm, which builds on Ossi Hanhinen's ideas.
Tools and Projects
A Starter Project with Goodies: Phoenix 1.4, Elm 0.19, and Parcel — teamgaslight.com
Zack Kayser shared a project template that gets you going with Elm on the client and Elixir's Phoenix on the server.
Luke Westby published a new version of elm-http-builder which works with elm/http 2.0.0. This package allows you to build up HTTP requests as a pipeline of function calls.
Determined AI | SF, CA / Remote | Software Engineer, Frontend
Determined AI is looking for engineers who can help them develop the Elm frontend for their machine learning platform.
CBANC | Austin TX, Belgrade Serbia | Frontend Developer
CBANC is the professional network for the banking industry; they are looking for Elm developers to enhance existing applications as well as develop green-field products.
Curators' Corner
Something we missed? Have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition? Tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to hello@elmweekly.nl, or just hit reply.