Elm Weekly - Issue #288
Articles and Discussion
Final Fantasy Legend Level Editor Update
A short post from Jesse on 2D grids in Elm.
Do you have opinions about coding style?
Justin Lubin is looking to hear from you on coding styling in statically-typed functional programming languages.
Tools and Projects
On the hunt for a venue for Elm Camp 2024
The Elm Camp committee is looking for your help. If you know of a location, are interested in sponsoring, or have anything else you'd like them to know please fill out the following survey https://forms.gle/ZdNEVFZiZWXCJmLYA.
Talks and Podcasts
Elm Town 68 – Shared joy with Mario Rogic
Mario Rogic shares his journeys, both physically around the world and strategically, as he built & rebuilt Lamdera.