Elm Weekly - Issue #275
Articles and Discussion
Quiz Craft: the frontend story
Antoine Vandermeersch takes us on a journey of building a front end for their quiz app.
Tools and Projects
Rolls Reversed
A game from Leonardo Taglialegne for GMTK Game Jam 2023.
Ode to the Toad
A short music game by Lucas Payr.
A minimal Haskell implementation from Pedro Baltazar Vasconcelos . Checkout the demo or the source code as well.
Tournament Organiser
A tool, built by Cedd Burge, for organizing and optimizing tournament scheduling. Checkout the code here.
Talks and Podcasts
Elm Radio: Episode 86: elm-pages v3
The crew discuss the new elm-pages v3 release and the new suite of features for full-stack server-side rendered Elm.
Spottt recrute un·e dev fullstack senior intéressé·e par la programmation fonctionnelle. Nous sommes une startup basée à Lyon spécialisée en carto interactive et en digitalisation d’organisation de salons. Stack : full Elm pour le frontend + Node.js + TypeScript. Remote/présentiel au choix.
Spottt is looking for a fullstack senior dev (French required) interested in functional programming. We are a French startup in the event software. Stack: full Elm for the frontend + Node.js + TypeScript. Remote possible.