Elm Weekly - Issue #274
Articles and Discussion
Demystifying Pratt Parsers
Martin Janiczek walks us through writing a Pratt parser. Useful for parsing things that have order of operations.
Tools and Projects
New Years Eve 2021
A visual art piece from Casper Schipper for New Years Eve 2021.
Touch me When...
A (local only) 2 player mobile game from Marcio Frayze.
Mirror Blossom
A game from Lue for GMTK Game Jam 2023.
Connect 4
A minimal Connect 4 clone from Ricardo Romero. Checkout the source code here.
Talks and Podcasts
Elm Town 60 – Productivity and the culture of moving a little bit slower
Wolfgang Schuster shares his journey with Elm, describes writing & deleting Elm code at Vendr, and explains the productivity gains in an ecosystem that values building things for the end user.