Elm Weekly - Issue #261
Elm Camp
The first Elm Unconference is happening in late June, giving opportunity for Elm makers & tool builders to gather, communicate and collaborate; to strengthen and sustain the Elm ecosystem and community.
Tools and Projects
elm-format 0.8.7 🚀
The new release of elm-format is here. Now with more speed, more automatic fixes, and a roadmap toward 0.9.0.
A new form package from Dillon Kearns. For those that enjoy demos you can jump straight to the Ellie, and for those that prefer docs you can jump straight to the package.
Talks and Podcasts
Elm Radio: Epsiode 80: Elm and AI
Can we get strong guarantees from AI tools that are known to hallucinate? The crew discusses some strategies, and ways that Elm might be a great target for AI assistance.
Linter Configuration and Best Practices to Improve Code Quality
Join Jeroen Engels & Lorenzo Gabriele live on April 27th to discuss "Linter Configuration and Best Practices to Improve Code Quality". Ask them anything you'd like to know about linters, code review and code quality during the Q&A session!