Elm Camp Europe
If you’re in Europe, or looking to travel there, a discussion has begun about where and when to possibly hold an unconference. If you’re interested, please join in the discussion!
Articles and Discussion
Word Labels
Tessa Kelly goes through a simplified version of the Elm, CSS, and HTML they used to programmatically and dynamically place labels over words.
Our technology stack, and how we got here
The CTO of Bellroy talks about their journey towards & experience with Elm & Haskell.
Talks and Podcasts
Software Unscripted: The Rust + Elm Stack
Dan Bruder talks with Richard about his experiences using a stack of Rust + Elm at StructionSite, a company that makes software for construction workers to use on job sites.
Parcel vs Vite for Building Elm Apps?
Flavio Corpa gives a brief look at using Parcel vs Vite for building your Elm app.