Elm Weekly - Issue #247
I couldn’t find a section to fit this in, but found it too cute not to include. An animation of a classic robot from @lucamug.
Articles and Discussion
Duncan Malashock
We’ve shared some of Duncan’s posts & Twitter threads before but if you’re looking for more, and I know I am, checkout their blog!
Tools and Projects
Elm Widgets & Themes
Georges Boris has released 2 packages, elm-widgets and elm-theme. Also elm-theme-tailwind for those wanting to use Tailwind with them. Checkout the the Discourse post for more details.
A new package from James Carlson for searching Lists of text.
Talks and Podcasts
Static Analysis Tools Love Pure FP
Jeroen Engels discusses how explicitness, and the lack of side-effects and dynamic constructs in pure FP languages empower tools to trivially achieve surprising results.