Elm Weekly - Issue #246
Hope everyone is having a great start to 2023. With the start of new things is there anyone that'd like to see Elm Weekly on other platforms beyond Twitter and Mastodon? If so please reach out by email, Mastodon, or Twitter and let us know!
Articles and Discussion
Notes on Elm
A nicely arranged post about using Elm at a surface level. Likely helpful for anyone needs a quick start intro.
Tools and Projects
Avinal's Blog
A simple personal website with a fun easter egg in the center!
Talks and Podcasts
Function Parsing for Novel Markup Languages
James Carlson presents on designing and building a fault-tolerant parser that provides high-quality, real-time error messages in-place in rendered text, for their Scripta.io project.
Elm Radio: Episode 73: Security in Elm
The crew discusses what makes Elm's security vulnerability surface area smaller, and what frontend security considerations are important in Elm apps.
Acima is based in Draper Utah and we are a young and dynamic leasing company. We're hiring a US based mid/senior software engineer with functional programming experience to join our team working with Haskell and Elm. You'll be working with the team to build and maintain the E-commerce solution. Please reach out to aaron.wilson@acima.com if you're interested or have any questions.