Elm Weekly - Issue #232
I was able to attend Strange Loop 2022 and caught a couple of talks involving Elm. As the recordings make their way to YouTube I'll make sure to include them.
If you happen to be attending a conference and hear a talk involving Elm, and I haven't shared it, please let me know so I can forward it on to others.
Articles and Discussion
Empower your decoders in Elm — kioan000.medium.com
In this article of MEGA Ivan Gori tries to condensate some useful patterns and personal thoughts about Decoders in Elm.
Tools and Projects
justinmimbs/timezone-data 7.0.0
A friendly reminder to update your timezone data! If you're not on the latest, you might be giving wrong timezone data to your users.
Talks and Podcasts
Lindsay Wardell @ ViteConf — viteconf.org
Lindsay Wardell will be speaking at ViteConf in October.
Elm Radio: Episode 66: elm-codegen with Matthew Griffith — elm-radio.com
Matthew Griffith joins the crew to discuss elm-codegen, a tool for generating Elm safely and conveniently.
Generative is on the lookout for a software engineer who absolutely loves developing in Elm. This is a frontend role so they need someone with a high attention to detail and passion for developing immersive experiences. Generative is remote friendly, funded, early-stage start-up aimed to disrupt an industry desperate for innovation. Opening: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3263447594