Elm Weekly - Issue #192
Donuts, trees, an Elm Radio holiday, and more!
Articles and Discussion
🍩 The Functional Donut 🍩 — dev.to
An implementation of the C donut in Elm, by @lucamug.
Building Trees with Elm — jxxcarlson.medium.com
James Carlson shows us how to convert text into trees and back again into text.
When It Compiles, But Doesn't Work — incrementalelm.com In Elm code, "if it compiles, it works." Does that come for free? Let's see if we can find Elm code where "it compiles, but it doesn't work" to see what we can learn about writing maintainable Elm code.
Talks and Podcasts
Elm Radio Episode 46: 2021 Holiday Special! — elm-radio.com
Some Elm friends visit for a Family Feud-style game. Plus a special Holiday round table to close out the year!