Elm Weekly - Issue #188
The first two posts from Robin Hansen in a series about JavaScript Performance, a discussion about WebGL, and another episode of Code in the Unknown for this week.
Articles and Discussion
How JavaScript engines achieve great performance | by Robin Heggelund Hansen | Nov, 2021 | Bekk — blogg.bekk.no
Robin Hansen takes us on an exploration of how JavaScript engines optimize code.
Discovering JavaScript performance opportunities | by Robin Heggelund Hansen | Nov, 2021 | Bekk — blogg.bekk.no
Robin Hansen shows us how we can discover when code gets in the way of optimizations in JavaScript.
Talks and Podcasts
Elm Radio Episode 44: elm-webgl — elm-radio.com
Andrey Kuzmin walks us through Elm's syntax for writing 3D shaders and using them in a type-safe way from Elm.
[Code in the Unknown] Adding a "cancel" action to a chess game — www.youtube.com
Elm makes it incredibly easy to add a "cancel" feature to any application, even when you've never seen the code base in your life! Follow along with Jordane Grenat as he does just that.
That's it for this week!
Next week we'll take a look at some tools for helping with Advent of Code, which starts on December 1st.