Elm Weekly - Issue #187
Articles and Discussion
Intro to elm-ts-interop Course — incrementalelm.com
Dillon Kearns has a new course on elm-ts-interop fundamentals and setup. It is a free course that focuses on the Community Edition of elm-ts-interop, as well as a chapter on the differences between the Community and Pro Editions.
TypeScript Without Transpilation — incrementalelm.com
A short journey for getting TypeScript types in your JavaScript files using JSDoc.
Tools and Projects
Jeroen introduces us to the new `elm-review suppress` and a rule to report deprecated items.
Elm-inspired TypeScript Decoding, now with Recursive Decoders! — www.reddit.com
Michal Janočko has updated their Elm-inspired TypeScript decoding package, Schemawax, with support for recursive types!