Elm Weekly - Issue #183
Articles and Discussion
A Broader Take on Parsing — thoughtbot.com
Joël Quenneville outlines the benefits of thinking in terms of parsing.
From dynamic to static typing in three steps — dev.to
Luca Mugnaini considers the implementation of a function that returns the last element of an array in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Elm
Design Report - Migrations in Elm Fullstack Deployments
Michael Rätzel gives an overview of a solution for data migrations exploration of migrations in applications built with Elm Fullstack.
Tools and Projects
Introducing Elm Editor - a web-based IDE for Elm programs
Michael Rätzel also shares Elm Editor, a project he's been working on for about a year. Elm Editor is a web-based environment for writing and running Elm programs.
elm-ts-interop init Command, Codec and Pipeline APIs, and docs site — incrementalelm.com
Dillon Kearns announced some improvements to elm-ts-interop, including a watch mode and a Codec API. The docs for the community edition of the tool have been revamped as well.
Talks and Podcasts
Jordane Grenat continues live-coding an Elm package for DatoCMS:
That's it for this week!
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