Elm Weekly - Issue #172
Articles and Discussion
Elm in Wasm: Built-in typeclasses
Brian Carroll is working on porting Elm to WebAssembly, and in this post he considers how to represent Elm values of built-in types in Wasm.
Introducing elm-pages 2.0 — elm-pages.com
Dillon Kearns has published a big release of elm-pages with better performance and new features for developers, including a custom dev server which doesn't use Webpack and supports hot module replacement.
Tools and Projects
Farm – an experiment in distributed peer-to-peer computing
Farm provides an extensible, programmable environment with real-time and offline collaboration with other users. Farm can be programmed using Elm, with changes to the code shared in real-time with other users anywhere in the world.
Write CLI scripts in Elm (IO Monad)
Albert Dahlin has created an experimental tool which allows you to write monadic IO programs instead of using Platform.worker, ports and The Elm Architecture.
Talks and Podcasts
Elm Radio episode 36: elm-pages 2.0 — elm-radio.com
To go along with the elm-pages v2 release, Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels discuss its latest features, including pulling in data with the new DataSource API.
That's it for this week!
If you would like to support my work on Elm Weekly and other Elm projects , please buy my book Practical Elm or sponsor me on GitHub .
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