Elm Weekly - Issue #170
Articles and Discussion
Maybe Maybe is not the right choice
Ivan Gori discusses the merits and patterns of usage of the Maybe type.
Tools and Projects
Georges Boris has published elm-book, a documentation system that takes inspiration from Storybook and HexDocs, and allows you to embed live Elm components, use Markdown, and more. The documentation site is of course built with elm-book.
terezka/elm-charts 2.0.0 — package.elm-lang.org
Tereza Sokol has published a new version of the elm-charts package together with a beautiful documentation site with lots of examples (built with elm-ui). Definitely worth checking out even if you're not in need of a charts package!
Talks and Podcasts
In this talk, Kofi Gumbs shows how he combined Elm, ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene and WebMIDI to create a dance animation:
That's it for this week!
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