Elm Weekly - Issue #162
Articles and Discussion
Joël Quenneville explains pipeline decoders and how they differ from plain elm/json decoders. You can also check out my take on explaining the pipeline chaining.
Tools and Projects
Dillon Kearns has released a beta version of elm-pages 2.0. elm-pages is a statically typed site generator for Elm.
Talks and Podcasts
Martin Janiczek has started a series of videos describing how to implement a property-based testing library in Elm (more specifically, elm-microthesis). The first two videos explain the differences between the two main approaches to property-based testing, and make a start on API design:
You can also listen to a new episode of Elm Radio:
Elm Radio episode 31: Elm Code Generation — elm-radio.com
Jeroen Engels and Dillon Kearns discuss different use cases for code generation in Elm applications and share code generation tips.
That's it for this week!
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