Elm Weekly - Issue #156
This issue is all about game development.
There is a number of packages that are helpful when developing games. There are various packages for 2D and 3D rendering, helper packages for things like quad trees and hex grids, and physics packages.
For inspiration, you can check out this list of games implemented in Elm (all the way down to Elm 0.12!)
Articles and Discussion
Recreating Pong for the Web with Elm
Last year, Bijan Boustani took us through the process of creating a web version of the classic Atari game, Pong.
Beginner Tutorials: How to build a game in Elm — Part 1 — lucamug.medium.com
This is an incomplete series by Luca Mugnaini but the available posts explain the basics of setting up a game in Elm. Part 1 linked above deals with setting up the game loop and rendering to canvas. Part 2 adds keyboard support, and part 3 shows how to let the user pause the game.
Liikennematto: tiny traffic simulator — matiasklemola.com
Matias Klemola has been writing a series of post about developing a tiny traffic simulator inspired by children's playmats. Part 1 is linked above, part 2 is about roundabouts, and part 3 is about procedural generation of building lots and buildings.
Tools and Projects
Here are some recent examples of games and game dev tools made with Elm:
Elm Narrative Engine editor — enegames.itch.io
Narrative Engine is a tool for making non-linear interactive story games made by Jeff Schomay.
Eight Rolling Cubes Puzzle — erkal.github.io
Erkal Selman has implemented this tricky puzzle with the help of ianmackenzie/elm-3d-scene.
The Red-Faced Cube Puzzle — erkal.github.io
Another beautiful puzzle by Erkal Selman, also made with elm-3d-scene.
Unblank by Ryan for Kindred Community Jam #6 — itch.io
Ryan Haskell-Glatz created an RPG for a game jam. Code repo
People have also given a number of talks about game development in the last couple of years:
That's it for this week!
Please support my work on Elm Weekly and other Elm projects by sponsoring me on GitHub.
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.