Elm Weekly - Issue #152
Articles and Discussion
Elm Radio episode 26: Funding Open Source with Evan Czaplicki — elm-radio.com
Jeroen Engels and Dillon Kearns talk to Evan about Open Source funding and the tradeoffs of different models.
Tracking selection state in Elm
Michael Weiss describes his approach to tracking selection state in an editor.
Tools and Projects
Announcing html-to-elm.com and elm-review-html-to-elm — discourse.elm-lang.org
Dillon Kearns has created two tools for converting HTML to Elm code:
html-to-elm.com website converts HTML to elm/html code and SVG to elm/svg code, and if you use Tailwind CSS, it also supports matheus23/elm-tailwind-modules.
elm-review-html-to-elm elm-review rule converts Debug.todo calls like the following into Elm code:
Debug.todo """@html <div>html content</div>"""
Saurabh Nanda provided an interesting experience report on combining a Haskell backend with an Elm frontend. It's from a couple of years ago but the lessons are likely still relevant:
That's it for this week!
Please support my work on Elm Weekly and other Elm projects by sponsoring me on GitHub.
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.