Elm Weekly - Issue #150
Articles and Discussion
Elm: Animate the removal of DOM elements with CustomElement and MutationObserver
Patrick describes an approach to removing DOM elements which allows you to move the fade-out animation logic out of the Elm code similarly to fade-in CSS animations.
Trying (and Failing) to Speed Up String.beginsWith
Brian Hicks discusses his experiment aimed at speeding up String.beginsWith in elm/core, which he carried out as part of optimising elm-csv.
Episode 25: elm-ts-interop — elm-radio.com
Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels discuss elm-ts-interop, Dillon's new tool that keeps types in sync between your Elm ports and JavaScript (or TypeScript) wiring code. This tool is a successor to elm-typescript-interop.
Tools and Projects
Elm Cheat Sheet — lucamug.github.io
Luca Mugnaini has created a one-page Elm cheatsheet which includes not only the syntax of the language, but also several example programs.
Matthieu Pizenberg's test runner elm-test-rs has reached version 1.0.0. Matthieu notes that elm-test-rs has some features that differentiate it from elm-test, for example:
Capturing calls to Debug.log and reporting them in failure reports.
Being able to test your code with the lowest version bounds of your package dependencies to make sure they are correct.
Ascii Collab: Progress update! — discourse.elm-lang.org
Martin Stewart has added features to the Ascii Collab project, which lets people collaborate on ASCII art. Notably, the project is implemented in Elm both on the frontend and backend.
Ulric Wilfred has recorded a series of video tutorials, starting from basic types and progressing to rendering polygons and images:
That's it for this week!
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If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.