Elm Weekly - Issue #147
Articles and Discussion
Elm in the server (or anywhere else) with promises
Éber Dias shares an approach for running Elm code in Node (in their case, to reuse the client-side code).
Tools and Projects
Lucas Payr's package is an implementation of Material Design UI Components on top of mdgriffith/elm-ui. This release is expected to be the last major update before the package is feature complete.
Georges Boris has released a package which acts as a UI documentation tool, allowing you to display UI elements (including stateful ones) from your application organised into chapters and sections.
passiomatic/elm-designer 0.2.0 — github.com
Andrea Peltrin's elm-designer is a code generator for mdgriffith/elm-ui. The new release adds support for image elements.
Tereza Sokol has published a package for processing and displaying git diff output (including syntax highlighting for Elm code!).
#PLTalk: The Creators of Elm, Elixir, and Julia talk PL Funding — www.twitch.tv
Evan Czaplicki, the creator of Elm, talked about the funding and some other aspects of Elm development in this discussion.
That's it for this week!
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