Elm Weekly - Issue #145
Elm Weekly is back with the first issue of 2021.
Articles and Discussion
A faster List.map for Elm — discourse.elm-lang.org
Brian Carroll started an interesting discussion about a more performant implementation of List.map based on the “tail recursion modulo cons” trick which allows optimising “not quite” tail recursive functions.
Should Elm files be long or short?
Brian Hicks gives some suggestions for organising code into files.
In episode 21, Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels share elm-review tips, and in episode 22, they discuss a new tool, elm-tooling.
Robin Hansen describes the genesis of the Play language and how he has taken inspiration from Elm.
Tools and Projects
Kolja Lampe reports on the new release of the language server and VS Code extension. One of the changes is that elm-analyse has been swapped out for a custom linter. Errors will now be reported as you type, and the compiler will only run on file save. There are new code actions, tracking of elm.json changes, and more – it is a big release!
Json.Decode.Attempt, a package to fail loudly and gracefully
Chadtech introduces a JSON decoding package with a more nuanced approach to handling decoding failures.
That's it for this week!
Please help me offset the costs of Elm Weekly and support my Elm work by sponsoring me on GitHub.
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.