Elm Weekly - Issue #143
Combining Elm with Haskell IHP framework, more Elm Christmas tips, an updated elm-ui patterns showcase, a graphing calculator with Elm + dynamic shaders, and Lamdera (Elm as a service).
Articles and Discussion
Series: IHP with Elm — driftercode.com
Lars Ulvestad is writing a series of posts about combining Elm and a new(ish?) Haskell web framework IHP. So far you can read part 1 about setting things up and part 2, which deals with passing an initial set of data from IHP to Elm.
Elm Christmas — www.elm.christmas
Another set of tips in the Elm Christmas series this week:
Tools and Projects
The elm-ui showcase has been updated with a number of new examples including tables, images, and equal height columns.
Leonardo Taglialegne has created a graphing calculator written mostly in Elm but using custom JS components for the TeX rendering (via Mathjax) and for the WebGL interop in order to generate shaders dynamically. You can check out the source code as well.
That's it for this week!
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.