Elm Weekly - Issue #140
Lighthouse scores, tuples, Brotli compression, and experiences with Elm.
Articles and Discussion
Elm Radio episode 18: Lighthouse Scores — elm-radio.com
Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels discuss Lighthouse scores, and related Elm topics.
Once, twice, three times a value — www.elm.christmas
This is the first post in the elm.christmas series. Jørgen Tu Sveli discusses tuples and how they are used, for example in pattern matching.
The Good, the Bad, and the Elmy
Ryan Tolboom wrote about his experience developing a project with Elm and Bulma as a new Elm user.
Tools and Projects
Folkert de Vries developed a decoder for the Brotli format. Brotli is a compression algorithm specifically geared towards web content and English text.
That's it for this week!
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.