Elm Weekly - Issue #139
Recreating Breakout, package analysis, tixy.land implementation in Elm, Play - a new Forth-inspired PL with a compiler written in Elm, and a talk on growing an Elm project with the whole team.
Articles and Discussion
Recreating Breakout for the Web — dev.to
Bijan Boustani has written an excellent retrospective of recreating a game called Breakout with Elm. Lots of interesting details about screen shake, particle effects, and playing background music.
Solving dependencies of 11079 elm packages in less than 1s — discourse.elm-lang.org
As part of his work on a dependency solver, Matthieu Pizenberg has analysed Elm packages and provided his findings, including the fact that there are some packages with broken dependencies in the registry.
Tools and Projects
Ju Liu has created a clone of tixy.land in Elm. Notably, the Elm version parses the expressions with elm/parser in contrast to the JS version which uses eval. Check out the source code.
Robin Hansen has released an alpha version of Play, a stack-based programming language inspired by Forth that compiles to WebAssembly. The Play compiler is written in Elm.
That's it for this week!
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.