Elm Weekly - Issue #135
Parsing, parsing, and more parsing. Also an elm-physics update, and a React developer's intro to Elm.
Articles and Discussion
Elm Parser For Exercism Word Count Challenge
Kirk Shillingford provides a detailed write-up about solving an Exercism word count challenge with elm/parser. Also check out the video below – it walks through another parser solution. I wrote an intro to elm/parser a while ago as well.
Andrey Kuzmin gives an update on the development of w0rm/elm-physics. He's recently released a new version of the package with performance improvements, better inertia support, and new shape types.
React Developer's Crash Course into Elm
Jesse Warden has written an extensive guide to getting started with Elm from the perspective of a developer familiar with React and Redux.
Tools and Projects
the-sett/parser-recoverable 1.0.0
Rupert Smith has published a package which is intended as a drop-in replacement for elm/parser, and helps create parsers which are tolerant of syntax errors.
Continuing with the parser theme, Martin Janiczek walks through solving an Advent of Code problem with parser combinators:
That's it for this week!
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.