Elm Weekly - Issue #125
Recreating Pong, React+Redux+TypeScript vs Elm, opaque types, ant-design icons, parsing chess games in PGN, and an approach to breaking up apps into components.
Articles and Discussion
If you're using React, Redux and TypeScript, you would be so happy with Elm!
Ossi Hanhinen compares the combo of React, Redux and TypeScript with Elm.
Recreating Pong for the Web with Elm
Bijan Boustani takes us through the process of creating a web version of the classic Atari game, Pong.
Designing Opaque Type for form fields in Elm
Seiya Izumi shows how to use opaque types to handle form fields.
Tools and Projects
lemol/ant-design-icons-elm 2.0.0
Leza Lutonda's package exposes all SVG icons from ant-design. There is also an elm-ui variant of the package.
Shea Newton's package allows you to parse "Portable Game Notation" (PGN) for standard chess. PGN is a plain text standard for recording chess games.
Full Stack Engineer (Blissfully, New York + Remote)
Blissfully develops a SaaS management platform and is looking for someone to join their team in a (nearly) full-stack capacity. In particular, someone who really loves the process of taking a new feature from a rough idea into something customers will love. This journey tends to include DB schema design, GraphQL API design and implementation, and front-end interface building.
The stack for their platform is 100% AWS Lambda with TypeScript, serving a GraphQL API to an all-Elm single-page app (180k LoC after you remove generated code).
Get in touch with Aaron (aaron@blissfully.com) with some notes about yourself, or a link to your about page.
Albert Dahlin explains an approach to breaking up apps into components that exchange messages with each other:
That's it for this week!
Please help me offset the costs of Elm Weekly and support my Elm work by sponsoring me on GitHub.
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.