Elm Weekly - Issue #123
Typed declarative APIs, Elm + FaunaDB + GraphQL, types vs testing, elm-ui, serialization, a trick for profiling, and generative art.
Articles and Discussion
Improving Declarative APIs for Graphics with Types — irreactive.com
Philipp Krüger explores the concept of (typed) declarative APIs based on a graphics example.
FaunaDB, GraphQL, and Elm, A Tutorial for JAMstack, Part 2 — dev.to
Dirk Johnson is writing a multi-part tutorial for bringing Elm, FaunaDB and GraphQL together. Part 2 is focused on Elm.
Elm Tricks from Production – Automated Testing is Just Another Tool — odone.io
Riccardo Odone explores the threshold where the type system becomes insufficient and tests become a good idea.
Elm-radio episode 9: elm-ui — elm-radio.com
In this episode, Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels discuss the fundamentals of the mdgriffith/elm-ui package, and how to decide if it's the right fit for your project.
Jan Jelínek provides an idea for postprocessing the Elm compiler output to get named functions instead of (anonymous) when profiling code with dev tools.
Tools and Projects
Elm-serialize: Quickly and reliably encode and decode Elm values — discourse.elm-lang.org
Martin Stewart published a package for encoding and decoding values. This package allows you to define encoders and decoders in one place, which makes definitions more concise and helps prevent things getting out of sync. Additionally, there is elm-geometry-serialize, a collection of codecs for ianmackenzie/elm-geometry.
That's it for this week!
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