Elm Weekly - Issue #122
Mutually recursive types, elm-starter, better shrinking in fuzz tests, elm-css helpers for Tailwind, PubGrub dependency solver, and a thorough video intro to Elm.
Articles and Discussion
Elm in practice: Mutually recursive types — dmalashock.com
Duncan Malashock explains what mutually recursive types are, and how they can help you.
"elm-starter", a tool for the Modern Web — dev.to
elm-starter appeared in the newsletter last week, but this week Luca Mugnaini has written a post discussing the goals of the tool and providing more details about it.
Tools and Projects
Elm-minithesis: shrinking without compromises
Martin Janiczek has ported David MacIver's Minithesis project to Elm. elm-minithesis is a property based testing library similar to the Fuzz module in elm-explorations/test, but with better shrinking strategies.
Generate your Tailwind utilities as elm-css functions
Justin Rassier has created a PostCSS plugin that will take a Tailwind configuration and generate elm-css functions. It generates helpers for Tailwind utility classes and for media queries. Some things like CSS Grid and CSS Transitions are not supported yet.
Elm-pubgrub: a state of the art dependency solver, in Elm
Matthieu Pizenberg is working on an Elm implementation of a dependency solver called PubGrub. You can try it out with your own elm.json. The package isn't published yet, however.
That's it for this week!
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