Elm Weekly - Issue #120
This week: game jam reflections, the builder pattern, Material Components, and what if custom types were the only tool we had?
Articles and Discussion
🐮 "Is it my cow?" Elm game Postmortem - Part 1 - The idea and core problem — wiktor.toporek.me
Wiktor Toporek dives into the details of implementing his game, starting with generating randomised SVGs for cow coat patterns.
Elm Radio Episode 8: The Builder Pattern — elm-radio.com
Jeroen and Dillon discuss the uses of the builder pattern and the tradeoffs involved.
Lessons learned from Elm Game Jam #4 — discourse.elm-lang.org
Joël Quenneville reflects on his experience creating an ecosystem simulator for The Elm Game Jam, with comments on refactoring, dependencies, debugging, and custom types.
Tools and Projects
Ryan Haskell Glatz has released a new version of elm-spa complete with a new site that includes a guide. elm-spa is a code generation tool that integrates elm-live, elm-ui and elm-test. This version features an updated CLI with interactive commands.
That's it for this week!
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