Elm Weekly - Issue #115
Animated snackbars with elm-ui, VS Code Elm extension v1.0, avatar SVGs, and Elm compiler written in Elm.
Articles and Discussion
Elm Beginners Tutorial: How to make animated snackbars with zero CSS — dev.to
Luca Mugnaini wrote a beginner-friendly tutorial showing how to build animated snackbars with mdgriffith/elm-ui.
Tools and Projects
Elm extension for VS Code 1.0.0 — marketplace.visualstudio.com
Kolja Lampe has released version 1.0 of the Elm extension with new features including completions for possible imports and improved record field access completions.
miniBill/elm-avataaars 1.0.0 — package.elm-lang.org
Leonardo Taglialegne published an Elm port of fangpenlin/avataaars-generator which allows you to create a variety of avatar SVGs. Check out the demo.
That's it for this week!
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