Elm Weekly - Issue #113
Elm in terminal apps, Maybe List, cleaning up views with selectors, elm-ui bug fixes, and tricks for game programming.
Articles and Discussion
Running Elm as a Blackbox — medium.com
James Carlson shows how to use Elm to write a headless “black box” app that you talk to via the terminal.
What's Weird with Maybe List — thoughtbot.com
Joël Quenneville takes a look at Maybe List and possible alternatives.
Upgrade your Elm Views with Selectors
In this article, written all the way back in 2016 but still very relevant, Charlie Koster shows how to make sure that your views don't do too much work. Also check out part 2 which deals with Html.lazy.
Tools and Projects
Matthew Griffith published a patch release of elm-ui with a number of fixes.
elm-conf 2020 — 2020.elm-conf.com
elm-conf will happen online on July 15–17, and there are still a few days to submit a talk before the CFP closes at the end of May.
Elm Game Jam #4 - itch.io — itch.io
Submissions for the animals/nature themed game jam are open until July 7.
The talk below might help you out if you'd like to take part!
That's it for this week!
Please help me offset the costs of Elm Weekly by sponsoring me on GitHub.
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.