Elm Weekly - Issue #112
Comparing Elm to Ember Octane and React, using Elm from React, compile time checks with phantom types and with elm-review, GraphQL, anonymous types, and fearless refactoring.
Articles and Discussion
Comparing Elm to Ember Octane and React
Éber Freitas Dias made a proof-of-concept Hacker News search to compare it with implementations in React and Ember.
Compile-time checks on values in a list with phantom types
I explored two different techniques for enforcing compile-time constraints on lists of values passed to a function.
Querying with GraphQL optional arguments in Elm
Amanda Beiner explains how optional arguments can be passed to queries when using dillonkearns/elm-graphql.
How to use Elm in a React app (with Parcel)
Lars Lillo Ulvestad shows how Elm can be gradually adopted in a React app.
Marek Fajkus discusses the usefulness of anonymous types with examples from Elm, PureScript and Haskell, and introduces turboMaCk/non-empty-list-alias, a non-empty list package based on the ideas in the post.
Tools and Projects
sparksp/elm-review-ports: Reviewing ports with elm-review
Phill Sparks created several elm-review rules to check for unused ports, ports with duplicate names, and ports that don't send or receive a Json.Encode.Value.
That's it for this week!
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