Elm Weekly - Issue #110
It has been an eventful week for Elm. You can learn how to get extra compile-time checking with a phantom type technique, we now have both a collection of elm-css examples and a collection of elm-ui examples. And, perhaps the biggest announcement: a platform for writing both frontend and backend code in Elm.
Articles and Discussion
Single out elements using phantom types
Jeroen Engels showcased a phantom type technique which allows you to single out elements from a type at compile time - for example, to prevent passing them into a particular function.
Monads, what are they good for?
Michel Belleville explored the concept of monads based on the elm/parser package.
Tools and Projects
After ~3 years of development, Mario Rogic announced an open alpha of Lamdera, a type-safe full-stack web-app platform for Elm. It allows you to write both frontend and backend in Elm and aims to abstract a lot of incidental complexity.
Ricardo García Vega started a collection of common CSS patterns implemented with Elm and elm-css. Handy if you don't want to start from scratch!
I thought it would be great to have something like elmcsspatterns.io for elm-ui as well, so I made a collection of elm-ui examples.
Mario gave a talk about Lamdera at Elm Europe last year:
The year before that, he also talked about Evergreen, a data migration system for Lamdera:
That's it for this week!
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