Elm Weekly - Issue #108
There's plenty happening in the world of Elm this week. First of all, the CFP is now open for 2020 elm-conf, which is going to be run online.
The Elm guide has a new page explaining the limits of Elm/JS interop. I think it does a great job explaining why the limits exist.
Besides, there's a new Elm podcast and a bunch of interesting project announcements – read on!
Articles and Discussion
Liikennematto: Prototyping traffic simulation with Elm — matiasklemola.com
Matias Klemola introduces his hobby project, a prototype for a traffic simulation for what might eventually become a village building game, built with elm-collage.
Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels have teamed up to bring us a new Elm podcast. Three episodes are already out!
Christoph has written a three-part series of posts about building projects with Elm, Parcel and Tailwind.
Tools and Projects
jgrenat/regression-testing — github.com
Jordane Grenat has published a package for regression testing. It lets you generate test data, refactor your code and then check that it still produces the same outputs. Check out the screencast in the next section for more details.
Framework Agnostic Localisation
Wolfgang Schuster demonstrates his web component that uses Fluent for localisation. The web component can of course be used in any project, and an Elm example is included.
In this screencast, Jordane Grenat demonstrates how to use the regression-testing package to refactor with confidence:
That's it for this week!
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.