Elm Weekly - Issue #106
This week, Matthew Griffith released a new package for animation, and I thought it would be interesting to make animation the focus of this issue.
Hit Reply and let me know what you think - would you be interested in having more issues focused on a single topic?
Articles and Discussion
Matthew Griffith has released a new package for animation, mdgriffith/elm-animator, with a range of features including the ability to generate CSS keyframes and handle sprite animations.
An introduction to elm-animator, and using it with elm-ui
I wrote an introduction to elm-animator, showing how to use it to manage animations on multiple widgets and how to combine it with elm-ui.
Tools and Projects
For alternatives to elm-animator, you can check out these packages:
timeline helps you animate the state changes of your model, and is designed to be very simple to integrate.
This is a low-level package focused on animating Float values.
For more animation options, check out the UI/Animation category in Elm Catalog.
This talk is a kind of preview of the ideas behind elm-animator:
And here are a couple more talks on the subject of animation:
That's it for this week!
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.