Elm Weekly - Issue #100
Today's issue is the 100th issue of this newsletter! Elm Weekly got its start in February 2016, when Elm was at version 0.16, and a somewhat different language.
The first issue of Elm Weekly linked to a positive experience report and announced the first Elm meetup in London, among other things.
Four years on, Elm has evolved significantly and is more widely known, with a larger ecosystem around it. However, Elm Weekly is still here and will continue informing you about the latest developments in the world of Elm.
Articles and Discussion
Haskell, in Elm terms: Type Classes — medium.com
Tereza Sokol explains Haskell type classes from an Elm perspective.
Conditionally handling events in Elm — thoughtbot.com
Greg Fisher shows how to filter events in Elm and create an `onEnter` event handler!
Alex Korban describes his approach to generating sitemaps from Elm code.
Tools and Projects
Mark Bolusmjak has released a package for creating smooth UI transition animations. This Ellie shows a simple example of using it.
In this 2017 talk, Evan Czaplicki discusses his approach to communication and Elm development.
That's it for this week!
If you’d like to support my work on Elm Weekly by having your Elm vacancy appear in this newsletter, drop me a line at elmweekly@korban.net.
If you have something you’d like to submit for an upcoming edition, tweet @elmweekly with a link, send an email through to elmweekly@korban.net, or just hit Reply.